
Maximise store visits and track salesman location and daily activities

Track daily salesman activities real time with live location and attendance. Improve sales by never missing out on customer visits.

mobile showing route travelled on map
Map with route travelled and history of all activities

Salesman Activity Logs

Monitor daily activities

Check your salesman's daily activities in a timeline for any date.

Monitor time spent on field

See when salesman starts and ends the day, and time spent on customers.

Automatic distance and time calculations

Get the distance travelled and time taken by salesman while on duty.

Live Location

Monitor daily movements

Get a complete view of the salesman's daily movements on map.

Location history

Check your salesman’s location history for any date

Ensure customer visits

Track activity of sales reps to ensure they visit customers and follow assigned beat route.

Map with live location of multiple people in single view
Mark attendance on mobile synced with laptop to generate report


Real time attendance

Get a complete view of your team attendance report in single screen

Monitor working hours and check-in check-out time

Get automatic red flags if less working hours/ late check-in / early check-out

Check-in/out locations on map

Get the check in or check out map locations for any date